Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Student Guest Blogger: Embedded Learning Opportunities by Casey

First of all, I find that the best way for a teacher to embed learning opportunities for children with disabilities during the typical activities in the classroom is by knowing and understanding the student’s specific needs and putting the most effective strategies into place. Children with disabilities have the right to participate in the typical activities as the rest of the class, and it is the teacher’s job to make sure that the child is receiving any necessary modifications and adaptations during the activity in order to promote successful learning.  

Planning is also an important part of a teacher’s day, and this can help the teacher to know ahead of time how to incorporate learning opportunities for children with disabilities into a typical activity. The teacher can think about what the typical school day looks like, and then from there, come up with different ways to embed learning opportunities throughout the day by thinking about how even a small occurrence during the day can offer the student an opportunity to learn. For instance, a student who is struggling to grasp the concept of time and the understanding of how to read a clock, can be asked different questions throughout the school day relating to time. The teacher may say something like, 

“Okay class, it’s time to line up for a restroom break. Before each one of you walks out the door, I will give you a time, and you will move the minute and hour hands on the clock I am holding to show what that time looks like on a clock.” 

This is an example of a teacher embedding a learning opportunity, not only for children with disabilities, but for the other students in the class as well. I am sure that as I continue my journey to become a teacher, as well as when I actually am a teacher, I will find new and different ways in which to embed learning opportunities for children with disabilities during a typical activity in the classroom.  

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