Monday, March 21, 2016

Student Volunteer Opportunities

Ohio DEC is looking for student volunteers to join our team!

We are especially interested in undergraduate and graduate students studying in the fields of Early Childhood Special Education, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Education, and related fields (e.g., Human Development and Family Studies, Speech & Audiology, Occupational and Physical Therapy, and Pediatric Medicine).

Ohio DEC Activities Include:

Student Volunteer Tasks:

  • Assisting leadership chairs
    • Communication (e.g., reaching out to undergraduate and graduate students via email and social media, commenting on social media posts to encourage member interactions, contributing to quarterly newsletter)
    • Membership (e.g. recruiting other student CEC member to be ODEC members)
    • Student connections (e.g. participating at university campus events and organizations on the behalf of ODEC, updating ODEC board regarding campus events and current events to publish in quarterly newsletter)
    • Family connections (e.g.  gathering and summarizing information provided by families for newsletter features or parent panels, locating high quality, family-friendly articles and resources)
    • Higher education connections (Locating research following evidence-based practices to distribute to professionals, reaching out to university and college faculty for conference proposals, newsletter features and disseminating DEC Recommended Practices)
  • Volunteering at conferences (e.g., registration/check-in table, room monitor, etc)
  • Participating in ODEC advocacy and policy activities

  • Volunteer/leadership experience in state-level professional organization (can include in resumé)
  • Transition to officer or leadership position, based on satisfactory performance
  • Recommendation letter from ODEC board member, based on satisfactory performance (Recommendation letter should have a specific recipient and should be for a specific position. We are unable to provide generic letters of recommendation.)
  • Networking with other professionals in the field
  • Mentoring from board member/leadership team - see CEC’s mentoring program description as a guide.


For more information about Ohio DEC, visit us at: