We'd like to share some conference feedback below. We particularly appreciate the topical suggestions for future professional development opportunities, as well as suggestions for potential conference speakers. These are all very helpful for our future planning, as one of ODEC's goals is to support the professional development needs of educators across Ohio.
As we are only able to have a conference once a year, in the coming weeks we will make an effort to address as many of these topics as we can by making recommendations on the available resources from the Division for Early Childhood, such as their position statements , Learning Decks (webinars), journals, and other publications. Please note that some of the resources are free to DEC members only; however, DEC does provide resources that are accessible to all (such as the Recommended Practices).
Below is a summary of feedback:
Topic Ideas:
- Literacy
- Consultative model for itinerant preschool teachers
- Cultural diversity (improving culture)
- Family collaboration/community involvement
- Apraxia
- Assessment/Data Collection
- Itinerant Education
- Inclusion
- Team Teaching
- Collaborating with Paraprofessionals
- Use of visuals
- Supporting and embedding assessment practices
- Board Maker
- SPED strategies 2009-current
- Mental health in preschool
- ELA info
- SUTQ Help...improving ratings
- Attachment
- Related service integration into classroom
- Preschool (ETR, IEP development, LRE)
- Sensory, differentation
- Helping parents understand their influence
- Poverty
- Traumatic brain injuries
- IEP development
- Assistive Technology
- Transition to K
- Balancing all children typical/atypical
- Effects of drug epidemic in ECE
- Music & movement (S/E)
- Home-based topics
- Conscious discipline
- Curriculum strategies for engaging across curriculum;
- Matrix Model
- Working with ESL students and families
- Think - Pair- Share - Challenges for Early Childhood Spec Ed Supervisors
- Updates in Special Ed; Rules/law/practices/procedures
- Sample activities/materials/'hands on' instructional strategies for EC SPEC teachers - presented by SLPs, OTs/Effective Itinerant Teachers
- A.L.I.C.E. training with Emily Ribnik
- Rules on foster kids for teachers
- Dissertation presentations
- Service delivery models for preschool curricula variations/programs
- Intentional teaching
- Professionalism in ECE
- Social skills
- How to collect meaningful data on "soft" skills; how can we easily quantify improvements in social skills and emotional competence
- Developing behavior plans
- Caregivers to give care to themselves, so they can better themselves as caregivers
- Incarcerated parents
- Children's Authors
- Alex Sheen
- Gigi Schweigkert
- Dr. Bruce Perry (handful of requests for Dr. Perry)
- Dr. David Hussey
- Conscious Discipline Shawn Brown or Becky Bailey
- John Kinsel
- Kristie Pretti-Fronczak
- Dan Seigel
- Dr. Alloy, Neuroscience
- Nationwide Children's Hospital; Early Childhood level would be happy to present 2017 Tabbetha Greco 614-722-4276
- Request for an OT speaker (sensory issues)
- Erika Christaki's "The Importance of Being Little"
- Paula Kluth - Inclusion
- Catherine McTamery - Vanderbilt - "Tendencies of Man"
- Jenni Jacobs from University of Cincinnati/ 4C of Cincinnati,
- Lynnette White
- Margie Spino
- Margaret Searle-Executive Functioning
Once again, thank you for all the feedback and suggestions! Stay tuned as we work to make resource recommendations in the coming weeks.
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